Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Job of A Salesman / Saleswoman Is To Close Sales

Yes, the job of a salesman / saleswoman is to do and close sales!

A sales person's job is not to write reports, attend meetings or analyse the market. What's the point of doing all these if the sales person could not close sales?

Instead of using their precious time to go out in the market to find customers, do follow-ups and close sales, many sales executives are bogged down with tons of reports to write, forms to fill, and all sorts of useless activities.

If an activity does not contribute directly towards the creation of new businesses and the closing of deals that bring in income and profit for both the company and the sales executive, then it has to be cut down.

A sales person's job is to close sales. Period. No excuses. As simple as that. Do sales.


Blogger john jr said...

Thankyou very much. That's just what I neede to read to go on starting a job as a salesman. But, is there anything else I should know to maintain the job? What are the proper words to use to open and close the sale?

Thursday, October 09, 2008 12:10:00 PM  

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